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Smartfert in the Media

Country Wide March 2018 page 28,  Slow-release fert gets THUMPS UP   ..................
Country Wide March 2018 page 29,  Fert and Forget   ..................
agKnowledge Fertiliser Review Issue 39 Summer 2017  It  has been the 'Holy Grail' of the international fertiliser industry for over 50 years  - the development of a truly, cost effective , controled release nitrogen  fertiliser, suitable for the broadacre   ..........................
Grassland Paper November 2017, Dr Doug Edmeades   Further field evaluation of the controlled release nitrogen fertiliser Smartfert® ..............
The Farmlander September 2017  Smartfert  used in Chicory shows huge benefits  ..................
Grassland Paper November 2016, Dr Doug Edmeades   The evaluation of a controlled release nitrogen fertiliser  ..............
Country Wide March 2016   Smartfert  trials  show  improved  nitrogen  use
efficiency   ..................
Country Wide August 2015 A new cost-effective  solution to farmers' nitrogen needs  is yielding positive results in  ..................
Heartland Agronomy August 2014 A slow release nitrogen fertiliser suitable for both crop and grassland application has taken a step closer to scientific sign off  ..................
Laurich Newletter winter 2014 The Big N to slow dairy train?................
Dairy Exporter April 2014 A come-back for clover. A high nitrogen fertiliser regime leaves little room for clover in the pasture ..................
Dairy Exporter April 2014 Slowing down nitrogen application. It is still early days for controlled release fertlliser tp prove its worth, but Smartfert  ..................
Dairy News March 2014 Soil Scientist rates N fert prospects. Lab trial results on a slow release fertiliser have a leading soil scientist excited  ..................
Country Wide March 2014 Enhancing the Efficiency of Nitrogen Fertiliser

New Zealand farmers use 350,000 tonnes of fertiliser nitrogen (N) ..................

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